Zero Balancing

Jane Van Spyk

Karin Walters

Richard Walters
Bone energy is concerned with who we are at our centre, whereas soft tissue energy is more about our emotional reactions and how we are in the everyday world.
People come for Zero Balancing for a wide range of complaints, ranging from frozen shoulder, or neck pain, through to emotional trauma such as shock, bereavement, and abuse. It also addresses core issues such as a lack of spark in life, or lack of direction. The link between the physical, the emotional and spirit is always important. For example frozen shoulder is frequently linked to grief or shock, which can lock up the ribs of the upper body.
Touching at bone level allows the opportunity to let go of old trauma without the necessity of going through the emotions that you may have already visited many times. Holding stillness at the bone level takes us out of the familiar energy of the emotions and down to the wellness of the authentic self, the peaceful, still place we aim for in meditation.
Richard Walters also teaches Zero Balancing training courses for therapists.